WNC Tutorial - Constellation Design for Butterfly Network


This site contains a short tutorial on generic constellation design suited for wireless butterfly network. It uses Python code to demonstrate the discussed algorithms. Since constellation design is in fact a geometry task, a graphical demonstration is widely used. The author aims to enable the reader a quick inside into the topic and also the ability to touch the problem using the code. Therefore some derivations and statements are quite simplified at expanse of precision. For rigor derivations and statements, please check available literature on wireless network coding.

Everybody is more than welcome to use materials presented on this site for learning and scientific purposes. If one finds this material useful for his work, he is kindly asked to cite this site or the relevant referenced literature. For comments or support, please contact pavel at prochazka dot info.


  1. Network Information Flow
  2. From Network Information Flow to Wireless Network Coding
  3. WNC Demodulation and Performance
  4. Numerical Simulation

Source Materials

To make the notebooks live, one need a Python installation (fully working with version 2.7.10) with NumPy and Matplotlib packages. Furthermore Ipython Notebook must be also installed